Manger is the result of Chef Silviu Chelaru’s perseverance and hard work for his dreams to become reality. The young entrepreneur, a former juror at the MasterChef show, presents an exquisite restaurant to the locals of Cluj-Napoca and anyone visiting, where quality is met at its highest level.
Chef Silviu’s dream has always been to own a restaurant, so in 2017, he managed to achieve his goal and bring to Cluj a new concept: MANGER.
His personality and talent can easily be observed in the perfectly executed dishes. The freshness and quality of the ingredients used are the values driving the restaurant towords success.
Manger stands out due to the contemporary style it addresses both in the presentation mode and in the atmosphere it creates. Chef Silviu Chelaru worked hard to make his vision come true and for the people that step into the restaurant to have a full experience, to combine every possible sense, leaving a very sweet taste upon departure.